CBD Food

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CBD Food and Drink

There is now a huge range of CBD-infused food and drink on the market, from gummies and chocolate to cola and coffee.

Pros of CBD Food and Drink

Longer lasting results

Though CBD food and drink products have a lower bioavailability than CBD oil or vape liquid, the effects last longer as they have to go through the digestive system, which takes time. It is also easier to be sure of the dose you are taking, as it will be marked on the label.

Great taste

CBD food and drink has been formulated to taste good, so is a great choice for people who don’t vape or don’t enjoy the taste of CBD oil. With so many gummies, lollipops and chocolate products available, CBD food is ideal for people with a sweet tooth.

Easily fits into your lifestyle

Taking up vaping or remembering to add oil drops to food or drink can initially feel unfamiliar or uncomfortable, or you might simply forget. Having CBD in food and drink products that you use on a daily basis, for example chocolate or coffee, means you don’t have to remember to take it - it’s already there.

Cons of CBD Food and Drink

Less cost effective

Buying CBD food and drink products may work out more expensive in the long run than something like CBD oil, as you are paying for the whole product rather than just the CBD.

Less convenient

CBD food and drink is less discrete and convenient than something like oil or capsules, which can be easily consumed in places you wouldn’t usually eat or drink, for example at work.

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